With a capacity of 3.25 million m³ wastewater per day, this wastewater treatment plant in the south-eastern Moscow district of Lyubertsy counts as one of the largest wastewater treatment plants in the world. In February 2008, WTE was awarded the contract for the turnkey design and construction of a biogas-based combined heat and power plant (CHP) including sewage sludge drying and raw sludge heating on site. The biogas for power generation is obtained from the on-site sewage treatment process, the majority of which is used to operate the CHP plant – for maximum energy self-sufficiency.
13.69 MWel/h
max. electrical power
80 million kWh/a
electricity production capacity of the biogas utilisation plant
125 million kWh/a
heat production capacity of the biogas utilisation plant
The power plant consists of five modules arranged in parallel (and a spare module), each with an internal combustion engine and a generator, a heat recovery steam generator and circuits for the engine cooling water. The heated water is used to preheat the raw sludge from the Lyubertsy-New Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The steam generated from the waste heat of the engines from treated feed water in the waste heat steam boiler is made available to the disc dryers for sludge drying. The condensate is fed back into the condensate tank in a closed circuit. The waste heat boilers are fed from this tank by means of high-pressure pumps. The losses are replenished with heated, treated boiler water from the feed water heater.
The overall efficiency of the CHP is over 85% – well above the average for plants of this size category.
The biogas from the digested sewage sludge – the main energy source of the CHP – is cleaned of sulphur compounds, siloxanes and other impurities by a gas desulphuriser (packed column with lawn iron ore for filling) and a gas purifier (activated carbon filter). The biogas is then fed directly into the combustion engines. This ensures compliance with the required limit values for exhaust gases.
The electricity generated is transmitted to selected blower stations and plant equipment at the Lyuberzy-New Wastewater Treatment Plant via the medium-voltage grid. The required total output of the power plant unit to be installed is 10 MW. By using suitable motors, 5 × 2.7 MW can be installed. After deducting own consumption, approx. 10 MW can be supplied to the Moscow water supply company Mosvodokanal.
The system is designed for dual gas operation with biogas and natural gas in order to react flexibly to fluctuating annual and daily volumes.
Phone: +49 201 8968 500
Email: info@wte.de