News from the world
of water technology.

We want to keep you up
to date on project progress
and new procedures.

Milestones in our plant construction projects, groundbreaking innovations for water management or new developments in our company: you can find all the latest news about the WTE Group here.

News in focus
IWA LET 2024 in Essen: Successful home match for WTE
Successful hoisting of the disc dryers into the Berlin-Waßmannsdorf Sewage Sludge Utilisation Plant
WTE Sustainability Report 2023/2024
Update from Tubli: brickwork for the fluidised bed furnaces of the sewage sludge incineration plant completed
WTE at IFAT 2024: 5 days full of inspiring talks, lively discussions and innovative impulses
The 19th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies from 24 – 28 June 2024 / Essen, Germany
Umm Al Hayman wins 2nd prize
WTE celebrates World Water Day 2024
Successful commissioning of the new plant in Umm Al Hayman
Award for our wastewater treatment plant in Kočani: Médaille d’eau for energy efficiency and environmental friendliness
Gruppenfoto mit WTE Mitarbeitern, Mitgliedern des German Business Council Kuwait und europäischen Botschaftsvertretern
Visit of the German Business Council Kuwait to our construction site in Umm Al Hayman
Die neue Klärschlammverbrennungsanlage in Hannover-Lahe
Climate-neutral district heating with WTE: Official commissioning of the sewage sludge incineration plant in Hanover
WTE further expands its pioneering role in thermal sewage sludge utilisation: contract signed for new large-scale plant in Munich
Tubli project – another milestone set in record time
Contract for the new pioneering project in North Macedonia signed in April 2023
Use our strengths for your project.

Simply get in touch with us on:

Phone: +49 201 8968 500


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