Drinking water plant
Moscow, Russia

The potable water supply plant in Moscow counts among the most ambitious European challenges in the field of water technology. The surface water of the Moskva river is treated in Europe’s largest ultra-filtration plant.
This plant supplies drinking water to a large proportion of Moscow’s 12 million inhabitants. Providing a capacity of 250,000 m³/d, this plant marks a new dimension due to its technology, its quality of treatment, as well as its security and environmental standards. The DWP supplies one million inhabitants with high quality drinking water daily, and thus contribute in a sustainable way to the improvement of drinking water supply in Moscow. The plant was handed over to the city of Moscow by WTE in 2016.

Modernisation of the drinking water supply to their over 10 million inhabitants counts among the most important measures of infrastructure in the city of Moscow. For decades now, drinking water supply has been secured by the municipal enterprise of Moswodokanal. Due to the need to renew and extend the existing supply plants, the city decided to tender the project internationally; we finally succeeded in being awarded this assignment. The implementation of additional ultra-filtration, integrated financing, and a ten year operation, were crucial criteria in this process.

The potable water supply plant of South-West Moscow disposes of a particular innovative power as it provides multi-barrier-system which consists of an eminently efficient, economical, and secure conditioning of the raw water. It is based upon the elimination of detrimental ingredients by:

  • barrier precipitation / flocculation / sedimentation
  • barrier ozone treatment
  • barrier active carbon treatment
  • barrier multi-layer filtration
  • barrier ultra-filtration

These steps of conditioning let us produce drinking water at highest quality levels, independent of the year’s season and independent of the Moskva’s quality of raw water. It is this flexibility that enables us to activate / deactivate single barriers in order to economically optimise fresh water conditioning.

Financing through to handover of the business in a holistic BOOT model.

The project in south-west Moscow was built as a BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) model, with a concession period of 10 years from commissioning. WTE remained the owner of the plant for the entire concession period. After commissioning, the plant was transferred to the joint ownership of WTE and the water supplier Moswodokanal, which belongs to the city of Moscow. At the end of 2016, at the end of the ten-year concession period, WTE transferred ownership of the plant to the city of Moscow in accordance with the contract. Today, there are no longer any business relations with Russia.

Investment costs are provided 75% by a long-term secured loan granted through a bank syndicate (KfW / IKB). The remaining 25% were granted by WTE in form of a shareholder loan. Both, the funds granted to the project company, and our own funds were hedged on the basis of a fixed interest rate covering the entire duration of the project. This procedure of project financing includes a substantial advantage: the amount of costs involved in the re-financing are fixed at start-up and remain unchanged over the whole period of the project.
Our careful operational management was the guarantee for the precious drinking water, low operating costs and a long service life of the plant. Operation was ensured until 2016 by ‘Süd-West Wasserwerk GmbH’, a joint venture between Moswodokanal and the WTE Group.

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